6 tips to help you properly complete the OCF-6
As an accident victim, you may experience financial losses beyond missed income, medical bills and property damage. These losses are addressed in the category of “Other Expenses” under Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits.
To collect these benefits, you must complete and submit an Application for Accident Benefits. You also must include a detailed OCF-6, otherwise known as the Expenses Claim Form.
Below are six tips to help you properly complete the OCF-6
Tip 1 – You must actively request the OCF-6
The OCF-6: Expenses Claim Form is not included as part of the “basic” Accident Benefits Application Package. This is the packet of documents your insurance company will send to you once you notify them of your accident. You must actively request this form and submit it as part of your application.
Tip 2 – Include only eligible expenses
The payment of Other Expenses is limited only to those costs deemed “reasonable and necessary.” Include only those expenses that are connected directly to your accident. Even if an expense is covered under another benefit, insurance policy or form of compensation, it should still be submitted as there may be an amount that is not covered by the primary insurance plan. Either way, the Accident Benefit insurance carrier and the private benefit insurance carrier will communicate amongst themselves and will figure out who has to pay what. Request for payment of the Attendant Care Benefit is also submitted via an OCF-6 form.
Tip 3 – Carefully assess your accident-related losses
The “Other Expenses” benefit can address a wide range of accident-related losses. Examples of what to list in your OCF-6 include:
- Lost, damaged or destroyed clothing or personal items (such as eyeglasses, hearing aids, dentures and so on)
- Assistive devices (such as walkers, crutches, prostheses and wheelchairs)
- Travel expenses for visitors (limited to those necessary to aid in your recovery)
- Lost educational expenses (such as non-refundable tuition when an injury prevents you from attending classes)
- Transportation costs
- Housekeeping and home maintenance costs (an optional benefit)
- Caregiver benefit (an optional benefit)
Completing an OCF-6 requires a comprehensive look at your financial losses well beyond prescription bills, ambulance bills and personal belongings.
Please note that the Attendant Care benefit is also claimed through submitting an OCF-6 form.
Tip 4 – Include evidence of your losses and expenses.
Your OCF-6 should include documentation to verify your losses. As such, you must attach original bills and receipts. For instance, you should include a receipt for new prescription eyeglasses if yours were destroyed in a bike accident. Or provide an invoice for monthly housekeeping expenses if your car accident injuries make it impossible for you to clean your home provided that you have paid for this optional benefit. Make copies of all receipts, bills and other documents before submitting the originals with your application.
Tip 5 – Be honest and thorough.
Falsifying a benefits application is a serious offense under the Ontario Insurance Act. Include a detailed account of losses, but do not exaggerate your losses or seek reimbursement for non-accident-related expenses.
Tip 6 – Consult a lawyer for help filing a claim.
A lawyer can provide insights into what may and may not be included in your Application for Accident Benefits. This includes the most commonly overlooked damages. At the Preszler Injury Lawyers, we remit all expenses for you and keep track of what has and has not been paid.
You may download a PDF of the OCF-6: Expenses Claim Form to get started on your claim today. To schedule a free case consultation before submitting your Application for Accident Benefits, call 1-800-JUSTICE® to set up an appointment with the Preszler Injury Lawyers in Ontario.