With winter just around the corner, now is the time for property owners to begin thinking about how their residential spaces will be maintained during the cold, snowy months. Having a plan to remove snow and ice accumulation from your premises is an important part in keeping people safe during the long winter season. Ensuring that your property is properly maintained throughout the winter can help reduce the risks of accidental injuries for which you might be liable. To read more about effectively preparing your home for the winter season, click here.
Insurance providers often look for reasons to deny or terminate the accident benefits they provide to the injured survivors of motor vehicle collisions. However, it is important to scrutinize their decisions to deny these benefits, as their notices may lack crucial information, potentially invalidating the insurer’s denial altogether. To learn more, click here.
In Ontario, judges and juries are guided by a moral and legal principle that an injured victim should be fully compensated for the damages they have incurred as a result of another party’s negligence. This principle sounds simple in theory, but in practice, it can be subject to various complications, especially in situations involving more than one liable party. To learn more about how Courts must respond to different complicating factors to ensure the victim is fairly compensated, click here.
Being involved in a bicycle accident can be a life-changing experience. Recovering from injuries sustained in a collision with a motor vehicle can be a long, challenging, and expensive process. Unfortunately, if the cyclist was not obeying the rules of the road at the time of their accident, the amount of damages they might be rewarded could be substantially reduced. To learn more about what you should know to protect your right to fair compensation in the event of an injury-causing bicycle accident, click here.
Beginning in January 2024, insurers will market a new optional benefit, OPCF-49. This will allow policyholders to reduce their monthly premium costs. However, if they choose to take advantage of this cost-saving measure, in the event of a car accident, they must give up any coverage that would otherwise reimburse them for damage to the vehicle, including repair costs. To learn more about OPCF-49 and other optional benefits, click here.
As record-breaking heat waves continue to wreak havoc on communities throughout the province, the impacts of climate change on our daily lives is becoming increasingly apparent. The extreme temperatures can negatively affect our physical health, our moods, and even our driving habits. As it so happens, according to recently published research, there is a direct correlation between heat waves and higher instances of automotive accidents. To learn more about how extreme heat can lead to car accidents in Ontario, click here.
Throughout the first week of June, wildfire smoke has reduced the air quality and polluted the skies over Ontario, and indeed, much of the country and the eastern US. The hazardous air quality can be harmful to everyone’s health even at low concentrations. But at this level, everyone needs to take warning, particularly members of high-risk communities and those suffering from chronic respiratory diseases. Click here to read more.
In this guest blog, lawyer Aron Zaltz discusses the admissibility of evidence regarding contemporary institutional policies and practices in cases involving historical wrongdoing, and explores whether such evidence can be considered relevant and compelling in negligence claims against institutions. Evidence of subsequent remedial measures is generally admissible as it can provide insights into the existence of problems in the past. To read more, click here.