Historically, consumers may not consider Google as a leader in automotives, but the company has positioned itself on the cutting edge of technology and innovation. Google is one of the tech companies spearheading the new field of autonomous vehicles. The company has recently introduced a prototype it’s been developing, one that doesn’t require a driver. … Continue reading “Google Introduces Its New Self-Driving Car”
Distracted driving is a problematic national issue, to say the least. Provinces are toughening the laws to discourage cellphone use and distracted driving, but the number of associated accidents is still far too high. According to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP): “Distracted driving is cited as a causal factor in 30 to 50% of traffic … Continue reading “How to Avoid the #1 Cause of Car Accidents in Ontario”
Previously, we discussed the Ontario Limitations Act and how it affects personal injury claims in Ontario. The statute of limitations is the time limit the government places on when you are able to file a claim. Each province has its own rules regarding statutes of limitation, and each type of claim (personal injury, breach of … Continue reading “Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Tort Claims in Ontario”
One in 10 people develops post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at some point in their lives, according to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). People may develop the condition after a major and sudden painful experience, such as a severe accident. Sustaining a life-changing or catastrophic injury can lead to a negative state of mind that … Continue reading “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Stemming from a Serious Injury”
The side effects of a prescription drug interaction can be quite hazardous. If you or your loved one experienced a serious side effect or injury because of drug interactions, you may qualify to file a claim for compensation. Professionals in the pharmaceutical industry are supposed to report any known drug interactions and ensure they prescribe … Continue reading “Prescription Drug Interactions: Do I have a claim?”
Ontario’s plan was to reduce insurance rates for drivers by eight percent this year and by 15 percent over a two-year period, reported CBC News. Ontario’s Plan to Reduce Insurance Rates for Drivers In September 2013, Ontario announced its release of the Auto Insurance Cost and Rate Reduction Strategy. The plan’s purpose is to highlight … Continue reading “Ontario Aims to Lower Insurance Rates for Drivers”
In June 2014, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) released the Policy on preventing discrimination based on mental health disabilities and addictions, which attempts to resolve human rights issues for those with mental health and addiction disabilities. The Purpose of the New Disability Policy The OHRC’s press release noted that Canadians with mental health and … Continue reading “OHRC Releases New Disability Policy that Addresses Human Rights Issues”