If you were involved in an accident for which you were partially at fault, it is still possible to recover compensation for your damages. However, successfully filing a Toronto personal injury claim in this situation can be difficult. The insurance company may try to argue that you are completely at fault for the accident, thus … Continue reading “Contributory Negligence in Toronto Injury Cases”
Most personal injury claims settle without proceeding to trial. Claimants – or their lawyers – are often able to negotiate a fair settlement that accounts for their damages. But in some cases, the parties are unable to reach a fair settlement and must proceed to trial to resolve the case. In many cases, our injury … Continue reading “Negotiating An Injury Settlement”
Personal injury claims should settle or resolve for an amount that compensates you fairly for expenses and damages related to your accident and injuries. Among these recoverable damages are your medical costs. While your Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) pays for most of your medical costs, you may be responsible for some medical expenses not … Continue reading “Recovering Medical Expenses For A Toronto Injury Claim”
Pain and suffering is a type of noneconomic damage that claimants may recover in a personal injury settlement. It compensates claimants for the physical and emotional pain they experience because of their injuries. Unlike economic damages like medical bills, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket expenses, pain and suffering damages do not have a definitive cost … Continue reading “Non-Economic Damages in Toronto Injury Cases”
Just because you suffered an injury in an accident does not mean you are entitled to file a personal injury claim. You must be able to prove that the defendant is responsible for the accident and your injuries, which can be difficult in some cases. Elements of Negligence Most personal injury claims require proving these … Continue reading “Elements of An Injury Claim”
It is important to be careful about accepting an insurance company’s settlement offer, especially one made shortly after your accident. Whether you should accept a settlement offer depends on a broad array of factors that you should discuss with your personal injury lawyer. There are a few things you should consider when the insurance company … Continue reading “Toronto Insurance Settlements”