If you were injured in a car accident, regardless of which driver was at-fault, you could be entitled to accident benefits through your insurance provider. That is because all automobile insurance policies in the province are required to offer coverage in accordance with the Ontario Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). The no-fault accident benefits to … Continue reading “My Insurer Denied My Request for Statutory Accident Benefits: What Now?”
Under Ontario law, the judge has the discretion to decide “issues of fact” or “damages assessed” without a jury. The Ontario Court of Appeal has explained, however, that all parties — plaintiffs and defendants alike — have a “substantive” right to a jury trial that “should not be interfered with without just cause.” Therefore, a … Continue reading “Do I Have to Let a Jury Hear My Ontario Personal Injury Case?”
Herniated discs are no laughing matter. They’re a type of back injury that may be caused by a slip and fall injury or car accident. You may not not notice the pain right away. A herniated disc may even cause pain or discomfort to radiate down to your feet, making it difficult to enjoy everyday life … Continue reading “Herniated Discs: What You Need to Know”
The birth of a child is one of the most joyous events in any person’s life. Seeing your newborn son or daughter for the first time after nine long months of the physical and emotional burdens of pregnancy is an experience like no other. But when a pregnancy or birth is marred by negligent medical … Continue reading “How Much Time Do I Have to File My Birth Injury Claim?”
According to a Statistics Canada survey conducted in 2012, nearly 4 million Canadians had a disability that limited their daily activities, including more than 15% of Ontarians. We’ve discussed before some of the benefits available to Ontarians when a disability prevents them from earning an income through work, including: Private disability insurance purchased by the … Continue reading “Can You Be Fired While on Disability in Ontario?”